Let’s talk a bit about me…
My name is Noémie, I’m 32 years old. I’m a freelance photographer-stylist-content creator based in Amsterdam. After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in economics and law at a university in Bordeaux in France, I studied in and graduated from a graduate journalism school in Paris. Then, I started working as a journalist and made TV documentaries for 7 years. I was fascinated by the Japanese culture and landscapes for years, so I decided to go and live in Tokyo for one year in 2016 with the Working Holiday Visa. The best decision I ever made! In Tokyo, I met the man that became my husband, the love of my life. After three years spent in Tokyo, we both wanted to go back to Europe (my husband grew up in Belgium). For this new life and adventure we chose Amsterdam. We are living in a cosy apartment, surrounded by green, and we are very happy.
Build a community
Because I love capturing beautiful things in everyday life with my camera and also telling stories, I decided to create “Noémie Memories”, an Instagram account and a blog in which I talk about my slow, sustainable and happy way of living, ethical fashion ad travel.
Although we are living our life at 100 km/h, that the days are never long enough for us to do everything written on our “To do list”. I hope you will take time to visit my blog often, as I would like it to be a space where everyone participates and shares her or his thoughts. A community, so to speak.
For the past few months, a lot ideas and things I would like to do and share have come up in my mind. I feel the need to express myself artistically and professionally more than ever. I hope you will enjoy the content I’ll create here and be inspired!
Contact me
You like my universe and my artistic statement? You’re looking for a photographer for an event, for your website, your social media or to promote the last product of your brand? You would like to collaborate with me on a project? Contact me at this address noemiememories@gmail.com or use the form box below. I would love to discuss about it! You can also contact me directly via Instagram.